2025 Tournament entry Fee Updated

Please take note!!

Following our 2024 annual meeting in October, the board has decided to raise the tournament fees by $5.00 per man. Our 9hole course tournament’s will be $55.00 entry fee and the 18hole courses will have a $60.00 entry fee.

Our last increase was 4 years ago and since then with inflation and high costs for food and cart rentals we feel that an increase is warranted so that the courses will be able to offset some of these inflated costs. Even with these small increases we are still getting an excellent value for our money. We want to support our courses as best that we can, and this will help maintain that relationship.

THANK YOU! for your dedication to this awesome organization over the past years and we look forward to seeing all our members back in 2025 and beyond.

I will update these changes in the weeks to come in the scheduling dates and tournament signup sheets.

Brad Penlerick, Director